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Monday, January 4, 2016

Medicine 2.0 - Talk 03 - Dr. Bray

Medicine 2.0 - Talk 03 - 12/5/2015: Doctor, fix my gut!: Prebiotics, probiotics, infections and bacterial imbalances in the human microbiome

** The VIMEO password is "smile" **

The Medicine 2.0 community outreach program is a pilot research project to demonstrate tangible improvements in healthcare metrics through greater physician-directed community-based group education.

The content presented focuses on areas of medicine that often require too much time for adequate education within the context of primary care visits, but are likely to have a large impact on health outcomes in the community. There are 12 talks coordinated by Dr. Christopher Bray. All content has been extracted from evidence-based published scientific data. Traditional alternative medicine is a mix of hearsay and pseudoscience, but also includes some very effective therapies. Often “thinking outside the box” is required to correct the course of chronic disease.

The fields of integrative medicine and functional medicine hold alternative approaches to maintenance of good health and treatment of disease accountable and require scientific evidence for endorsement and promotion of novel perspectives and therapies.

Dr. Bray has no conflicts of interest with any of the content presented. The presentations are not being used to "recruit patients" as he is not accepting new patients at the time of talks. The lectures are being made available for free. These lectures were delivered with the generous donation of facilities by Gainesville Health and Fitness Center. The primary intent was for community education and are wholly not-for-profit. Every effort was made to give credit to content creators of the material included in these talks.

For Talk 03, extracts from the following sources have been used within the guidelines of "fair use":

Product Review: Probiotics (for Adults, Children and Pets) and Kefirs
Consumer Lab

20 Ultimate High-Fiber Foods
Dr. Josh Axe

GENOVA IgG Food Antibodies
Genova Diagnostics

GENOVA GI Effects® Stool Profile
Genova Diagnostics

Cyrex Wheat/Gluten Proteome Reactivity & Autoimmunity
Cyrex Laboratories

Dr. Alessio Fasano
Chief, Division of Pediatric Gastroenterology and Nutrition
Director, Center for Celiac Research

Special thanks to the Institute of Functional Medicine (IFM):

Additional Links Mentioned in Talk:
Celiac.com www.celiac.com
GF Harvest/Gluten Free Oats Company www.glutenfreeoats.com
Gluten Free Gourmet www.glutenfreegourmet.com
Gluten Intolerance Group www.gluten.net
Go Dairy Free www.godairyfree.com
Grain Free Gourmet www.grainfreegourmet.com
National Foundation for Celiac Awareness www.celiaccentral.org
The Gluten Free Mall www.glutenfreemall.com
The Spunky Coconut www.thespunkycoconut.com

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